Program Details

Our Motto


ReachBack helps to create a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem for the local community.


Working with 4-Community Pillars

We Cultivate the Relationships through a synergistic approach

It's Possible Through the Implementation of Our

ECONOMIC MOBILITY - The ability to improve ones wealth and economic circumstance.

ReachBack  5-2-1  Initiative

We're boots on the ground, we go throughout the community to find projects that will help individuals increase their economic mobility.

The ReachBack 5-2-1 Community Impact Initiative builds community synergy.

It leads to new entrepreneurs, startups, and jobs, growth of future talent, and business retention.

The ReachBack program empowers individuals to become the architect of their own careers.

A ReachBack community constitutes 5-youth programs, 2-startups, and 1-community startup each year until 2025.

ReachBack is a comprehensive, wraparound and synergistic approach that get individuals working together and using the assets the community already has.

Synergistic Approach

Project Based

Local Startups 

Financial Models

Career Development

Gain Experience

Community Assets

Utilizing the assets a community already has.

When the Synergistic Approach         is successful

The Community will experience a thriving entrepreneurial mindset ecosystem. 

The Community will see a flow of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs coming through the program who are serious about execution and participation in economic development rather than having education as the goal. 

The Entrepreneur will gain knowledge of developing a concept or idea that is within their means, both strategically and financially feasible.

The Intrapreneur will gain knowledge of self-architecting a career and will seek employment with an entrepreneurial and growth mindset.

When ReachBack is successful

ReachBack Measures of Success

As an intermediary, ReachBack acts as a coordinator and project manager, working with community leaders, entrepreneurs, and project partners to:


Our country is recognizing that our small businesses and parents need more help.

Startup companies do not fit the traditional banking model for lending capital.


With 95% of minority businesses structured as solo-entrepreneurs with no employees, this places communities with a high population of minorities or those with a growing number of minorities at risk of decreasing economic mobility.  The current small business funding programs work for the 5% who are ready for capital.

There are over 12.6M individuals unemployed as of September 2020 .


With 48% of college graduates under-employed prior to Covid-19, how will young adults in the local community avoid the catch-22?  The catch-22 is you need the experience to get a job and a job to get experience.

Parents want their children to leave high school and college with 21st Century skills and real-world experiences so that they can be self sufficient.


Studies show many students are not motivated to learn.  This can suggest that the school curriculum is not allowing enough creativity and/or real-world experience. 

We're Looking for Individuals Who Can  See the Future

Driven by New Opportunities in America

Entrepreneurship activity - 40-yr low

Employers need motivated talent

Availability of Data & Technology

Consumers Driving Markets

Aspired by  the words: "Do common things in uncommon ways"

George Washington Carver


We  Ask Local Governments & Agencies to Initiate 2-Steps

1. Support ReachBack 5-2-1 Initiative

ReachBack 5-2-1 Initiative

Learn More

Annually, until the year 2025, local leaders make economic mobility through entrepreneurship a top priority by executing the 5-2-1.

2. Invest in Community Innovators

A Community Innovator is an individual with natural leadership abilities who fervidly thinks and creates things people want, but  lack the  opportunity to scale their idea or reach his/her potential due to discrimination related to his/her zip code, racial disparities, and/or gender.  Community Innovators come from all walks of life.  By investing in ReachBack's programs 5-2-1 Initiative, local leaders will be the catalyst to empowering individuals who deserve to be entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs.  You would make it possible for young adults who are underemployed and unemployed to find high-quality, living wage jobs with career advancement.  You would make it possible for community innovators to reach their full potential.  

 In our definition, George Washington Carver would have been considered a community innovator.  Just think, how many individuals in local communities don't get the opportunity to reach their full potential.  If George Washington Carver was unable to learn to his full potential, what would it be like in this world today not having his genius discoveries in advanced agriculture and biochemistry?  The local communities are full of geniuses.  What did America lose when it failed to provide the proper education to underestimated youth?  For example, consider the little boy, at age 14 who built microphones from baby doll speakers, or the shy prodigy singer and musician who sang on-stage in the high school talent shows who would have thrived in Corporate America behind the scenes at Disney.  Instead their lives went astray because he/she resided in the wrong zip code.  ReachBack believes Community Innovators are part of the solution to bringing America out of it's 40-year downward trend in entrepreneurship activity and local governments reducing economic mobility concerns.

Through the AmeriCorps Program, the Local Government would help support Outreach Coordinators in their community and minimal programming cost.

Each community is different, just as communities offer different tax incentives to lure enterprise businesses to their community, the community leader would want to be flexible in offering incentives to the business incubator, the successful entrepreneur and motivated youth.

We work with the local government agencies to help build the right financial model and incentives that's right for their community.

Who Will Benefit

The Expected Outcomes

How We Include the Entire Community

We partner with local businesses, chambers, colleges, associations, and workforces to find talent in the local community to run startups and connect young adults with the workforce.

Our process is not about who the candidates know or  what school they attended.   It's about the passion the individual has for making a difference in the lives of others and desiring to be a change agent in their community.  ReachBack will source for the talent in your community and find those with the knowledge, experience and desire to share.

Source for Talent

Source for Community Innovators

Connect Entrepreneurs

Drive Entrepreneurship and Local Startup Eco-systems 

Manage Results

Inform the Local Governments and the Community  of Progress

How it works

  1. Perform a community assessment to identify the community assets.

2.  Build Partnerships with Locals

ReachBack consults with small businesses, community builders and the local government agencies in the community  to develop promising startups and projects that improve social outcomes.  A financial due diligence is performed to ensure  the scope of work is aligned with the guidelines and policies of bankers,  investors and corporations to raise capital and the municipal economic mobility goals.  ReachBack tracks and reports the startups and projects to ensure the community needs are met.

3. Source for Local Talent

We recruit individuals with entrepreneurial mindsets to lead startups and community projects.  These projects are intended to up-skill and re-skill individuals who reside in the local communities.  Participants take a career assessment to work in their passion and participate in a 6-week to 3-month startup or project.

4. SME Partnership

We partner with Subject Matter Experts (SME), community volunteers, and corporations to facilitate classes and provide hands-on experiences.

5. Curriculum: 

The participants will engage in ReachBack's Reverse Private Equity pre-accelerator which is a 6-week to 3-month entrepreneurship challenge to prove a product and/or service is viable.

What happens when we collaborate

One Objective

To build community wealth through entrepreneurship and career development.

ReachBack brings all of the programs together and interweave them seamlessly, by doing so,  we create a unified vision for community collaboration.

  1. ReachBack Workforce Readiness Program

Participants are assigned mentors, coaches and subject matter experts who work intensively with them for up to 3-months.  Candidates select entrepreneurship and sector-base career pathways.  The ReachBack Workforce Readiness program is based on the evidence based model, WorkAdvance.   WorkAdvance is different than traditional workforce programs in that it performs intense screenings to improve employer and employee satisfaction.  It requires instructors to deliver upfront planning for advancement.  ReachBack enhances the concept further by adding business case studies, industry knowledge, financial literacy and experiential learning.  

The ReachBack Workforce Readiness program is based on the evidence-based model, WorkAdvance and our enhancements.

Youth are one of our 3-pillars to building community wealth.  ReachBack addresses community wealth disparities through early learning.  Studies show that greater than half the college graduates don't get jobs in their majors.  This places these students at a disadvantage in getting a head start in their careers and finances.  It also, poses a risk that American corporations will have employee retention issues.  Our Youth Career Explorer program gives youth K-12 and Opportunity Youth, ages 14-24 an early start in learning about hot careers, and careers in their community and surrounding areas.   Youth take a career assessment and are able to work on real business issues working in their passion.

2. Youth Career Explorer Program

The ReachBack Framework: Youth explore their career interest,  business and financial literacy through real community projects.

We don't limit the age for learning, ReachBack has the knowledge and experience to keep your child excited about learning. Our selection of programs and projects challenge bright students and help them build their skills and explore their interests under the guidance of our experts in the community and corporate volunteers.  

ReachBack Day @ JA Georgia 

Junior Achievement gives children opportunity to explorer careers and gain 21st Century skills.

We don't re-invent the wheel, ReachBack research for evidence-based programs like JA and integrate them into the ReachBack Framework.

3. Business Connect  & Community Startup

The Small Business mStreet-E3 Pre-Accelerator Program

Small Business Collaboration

ReachBack educates startups that empower the Self Employed and under-resourced Stage 1-2 businesses

  • Self Employed - owner contributor focuses on survival
  • Stage 1 business called Life-Style, aka "mom and pop" focus on building market share and customer base
  • Stage 2 businesses are Gazelles, grow very fast first and second year and focuses on expansion

Minority Businesses Struggle to Grow

95%  are sole proprietors with one employee

A Kauffman study found, "while all businesses start small, minority businesses tend to stay small.

ReachBack wants to change what the Kauffman study found.

A Synergistic Approach can help small businesses overcome challenges while at the same time grow the community, increase economic mobility and upskill.

Business Connect

Although it is easier than ever to start a business, the ecosystem for running a business is unevenly distributed. The majority of capital flows to entrepreneurs in high growth businesses and communities that prosper.  With most Venture Capital (VC) funding going to three states, our entrepreneurs with great ideas lack the information to successfully grow their businesses let alone position for VC funding, get expert mentor advice and/or learn best practices for building a company.  The ReachBack Business Connect program seeks to transition entrepreneurs leaving the workplace and connect them with entrepreneurs with like missions. 

ReachBack Business Programs

Community Startup

Community leaders in prospering towns learn about business enterprises and how they play a critical role in building their community’s wealth. Studies show that towns have used community wealth-building strategies such as Cooperatives, Community Land Trusts, Community Development Corporations and Public-Private relationships to create quality jobs.  Our Community Startup program encourages micro-enterprises, community leaders, city officials and entrepreneurs to create economic stability using the public-private relationship models.

Our Approach is Unique

Reverse Private Equity Model

a collective equity and revenue sharing model design for MAINSTREAM entrepreneurs.

Value of Access to Capital

The ReachBack Private Equity model was developed out of the epiphany that venture capital funding is non-existence for Main Street self-employed/Stage 1 small business owners.  

Top Accelerators like YCombinator, Techstarts, StartX know the value of funding startups.  A Kauffman study found small businesses that receive funding were 20 to 25 percent more likely to survive after four years and 16 to 19 percent more likely to have grown to 75 employees. 

Georgia is in the top 5 for businesses starting, but at the bottom 5 for businesses survival after 1 year.  

Nearly 30% of Georgian's jobs are low wages.

There is a need for intervention.


Compare the Business Models  -  ReachBack focuses on the Stage 1 and Stage 2 business gap that can't be filled by the top accelerator and general small business educator programs. 


How We Find for Community Innovators

Entrepreneurs and Youth Apply for the ReachBack's Pre-Accelerator Program

The ReachBack Reverse Private Equity Model provides youth with valuable work experience and entrepreneurs with a startup and access to capital. 

Results We Aim to Solve

Program Cost

Program Learning Objectives

Entrepreneurs Who Are a Best Fit for the ReachBack Pre- Accelerator

Youth and Young Adults Who Are a Best Fit for the ReachBack Pre- Accelerator

Community Benefits

Up-skilling and Re-skilling

Community Economic Improvement

Business Retention

Student 21st Century Collaboration

Job Creation

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